La energía solar promueve el desarrollo rural
Solar energy is a driving force in rural development. It is cheaper than the grid, making possible higher incomes for the farmer and boosting the sustainable agri-food sector and its developmentInscríbase en
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La energía solar y la modernización de la agricultura
Its capacity to be installed isolated from the grid allows modernizing the irrigation of remote areas. This will contribute to the development of regions through the technification of their agricultureLa energía solar es más barata que nunca
Solar energy is no longer an expensive energy source.According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, its cost has fallen 82% since 2010. This leads to savings in the cost of electricity for irrigation of up to 60%
Los sistemas de riego fotovoltaico promueven una agricultura respetuosa con el medio ambiente
it is 100% renewable, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases, and reduces water consumption by up to 30%.Inscríbase en
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Learn with our videos everything about SolaQua, photovoltaic energy and its uses in agricultureLearn More