Sunteți interesați să reduceți costurile de irigare?

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Reduceți factura de irigare cu până la 60%

Pay less from day one, no down payments, constant for 20 years, with all maintenances included. Find out how, discover SolaQua

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Cum funcționează?

Get to know our financial model that will allow you to save from day one
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PV Generator

De câtă putere am nevoie?

Simulate with our self-assessment tool the PV generator size for your needs.
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Un model financiar unic

· Our PPA contract has been designed with irrigators to protect their interests.

· Save up to 60% from day one on your electricity bill.

· Fixed electricity cost for 20 years.

· Once the contract ends, you can extend it or acquire ownership of the facility for 1€

Doriți să aflați mai multe?

Visit our documents section
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Doriți să aflați mai multe?

Download our manuals and relevant documention
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Avoid initial investment

Alăturați-vă evenimentelor noastre

Participate in our conferences, visits to PV irrigation systems and workshops and discover all that we can offer
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Dimensionați-vă sistemul

SolaQua Self-Assessment Tool is a Web App that has been developed under SolaQua project to allow farmers to obtain a preliminary planning of a PV irrigation systems (PVIS) based in the main characteristics of their farms. The Self-Assessment Tool is freely available and it includes the most common configurations of irrigation systems: water pool and direct pumping systems. The tool is user-friendly, and its main objective is to provide a general idea of the potential of PVIS in each case.


Join our events to learn more about the advantages of solar irrigation
Avoid initial investment

De câtă putere am nevoie?

Simulate with our self-assessment tool the PV generator size for your needs.


Instituto de Energía Solar UPM
C/Nikola Tesla, s/n;
28031, Madrid, Spain

+34 910 673 485

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