Includeți irigarea solară în portofoliul dumneavoastră de produse

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Doriți să fiți instruit în tehnologia noastră de irigare fotovoltaică?

In our workshops, you will learn everything about this emerging technology applied to irrigation


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Frecuency Converter

Manual de bune practici pentru sistemele de irigații fotovoltaice

Learn the best practices in planning, installing, operating and maintaining PVI systems.
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Specificații tehnice pentru sistemele de irigații fotovoltaice

Get the latest version of these specifications to guarantee the quality of your installations
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Specificații tehnice pentru sistemele de irigații fotovoltaice

Get the latest version of these specifications to guarantee the quality of your installations
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Misiune comercială: Maroc

Solar power in Morocco is possible because the country has one of the highest rates of solar insolation among other countries: about 3,000 hours a year of sunshine, but up to 3,600 hours in the desert.

Cheia #1

Morocco is the only African country to have a power cable link to Europe.
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Frecuency Converter

Instalație finanțată

More than 90% of farmers hesitate to choose solar pumping systems for financing reasons, even if they are completely convinced of their economic relevance in the long term.

Specificații tehnice pentru sistemele de irigații fotovoltaice

Get the latest version of these specifications to guarantee the quality of your installations
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De ce se așteaptă ca nevoile de energie să crească?

#1 The opening of drip irrigation projects. #2 The implementation of desalination and water transfer projects. #3 The use of energy-intensive conventional resources for water supply. #4 The development of new sanitation activities and wastewater treatment plants.

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Prezentările lui SolaQua

Download SolaQua's technical webinar presentations (Spanish):
SRFV - Tehnologie, tipuri și configurații
Bune practici pentru irigarea solară
Finanțarea SRFV

Simulator de irigare PV

Simulate photovoltaic irrigation systems with our free tool
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Mergeți la SISIFO


Instituto de Energía Solar UPM
C/Nikola Tesla, s/n;
28031, Madrid, Spain

+34 910 673 485

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