FREE Webinar for irrigators on May 24, 2023
Are you a farmer or a CCRR technician? Then, this webinar is for you
Next May 24th, the SolaQua project is organizing a free webinar on Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems. We will talk about the technology, typology, performance indicators and a financial instrument to finance these installations.
Participation in the webinars is only for CCRR farmers and technicians and will be free of charge, but registration is required to attend here: https://forms.gle/U8gda92zusFHdp3F7
The SolaQua project is the successor of MASLOWATEN and aims to carry out a series of actions to contribute to the improvement of the European PV irrigation market, including the organization of these training webinars.
The objective of these webinars is to train farmers and CCRR technicians in the technology of photovoltaic irrigation systems.