Conference + Visit (Portuguese)
Seminar and Guided Visit – 03/10/2022 – São João de Negrilhos
The University of Évora, FENAREG and Associação de Beneficiários do Roxo organize a seminar and technical guided tour on photovoltaic pumping for irrigation, at the Headquarters of the Associação de Beneficiários do Roxo, on March 10, 2022.
This event will be attended by the Managing Authority of PDR2020 and focuses on photovoltaic pumping solutions: best practices, solutions and financing. It also counts with the support of the SolaQua project (Horizon 2020 program).
The seminar and technical visit will take place at Associação de Beneficiários do Roxo, Montes Velhos – S. João de Negrilhos, and you will have the opportunity to attend presentations on financing, technology, best practices, costs and recommendations, from the perspective of the urgent need to invest in low-cost and zero-emission irrigation.
This activity will take place on March 10, 2022, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, the first part being a brief seminar and the second part a visit to the photovoltaic pumping system for irrigation at the Montes Velhos Pumping Station, at real scale and in operation.
Participation is free of charge and places available are limited. The event will be held in Portuguese.
Registration reserved for DGADR’s Technicians and Irrigators Associations.